Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Umm yeah, so Antietam and Harper's Ferry, not exactly the to spend a fun filled weekend. However if you ever need to know about the bloodiest day in American history, be sure to let me know.

We did get an early anniversary gift. We got a time share in South Carolina. It is during a red week and 2 bedroom, so we can trade it to go pretty much anywhere. We have already been planning our vacations for the next several years.

Last but not least, my feet and hands are covered in Poison Ivy. Though I know I am wrong, I blame my husband. I have had it since MAY! I showed it to him when I first got it, him the eagle scout, him the nature lover, and he was like yeah looks like it hurts. Then Sunday night, I was scratching my foot off and he looked at it again and was like well hello, that is poison ivy. Why didn't he tell me that in MAY?? So, now I have pink hands and feet thanks to calamine lotion. I have never had poison ivy before. When I was a kid, me and my friends were playing and one of my friends brothers informed us that we were playing in poison ivy. They got it horribly all over, but I didn't get it at all.


ShellBug526 said...

Ouch I cannot even begin to imagine....

Leslie Welch said...

This is beautiful! I want to overhaul my blog. Did you do this from scratch or is it a template. How did you do it?

ShellBug526 said...

Harpers Ferry and Antietam are in Maryland. They are Civil War battle places. I linked them so you can see just how exciting they are! :)

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