Saturday, March 12, 2005

Another Outburst

Chris is asleep in the bedroom and he just shouted mom and started making these strange noises. I went over to see what was going on and he was sitting there with his eyes open wide. The dog was sitting at the foot of the bed looking at him with his head tilted to the side. I said is everything OK? He said No, everything is not fucking OK. I asked what was wrong. He said what do you mean what is wrong? It is horrificly huge. Then he started pulling the covers off and he kept saying it's still there. Then he just rolled over and closed his eyes. I think he needs to see some kind of sleep specialist or something. I have to keep the video camera ready, because tomorrow when I tell him about it, he will think I am lying.


ShellBug526 said...

No this is my wonderful husband!

Obsconder said...

what would a sleep specialist be able to do? My girlfriend yells things in her sleep and will sit up and point at the wall and think there's either a person there or something else and start yelling at it. I don't think it means anything is wrong, some people are just a little weird with sleepwalking type things, it's amusing.

Anonymous said...

you lie.

ShellBug526 said...

Raven, you are correct, I guess I will take the talking and shouting over the bed wetting. Obsconder, I am not sure what a sleep specialist would do, but it may be worth a try... right?

deahsella said...

I must have missed this post earlier!! sure, fine, call a sleep specialist...just make sure you get some good footage for us first!!!