Sunday, June 26, 2005

My friend at work recommended that Chris and I watch American Psycho. He was sure we would like it. I guess he was right, but I am so confused with what really happened. I mean did he kill all those people? How was the apartment clean? I understand because they all look the same and were all continuously being called the wrong name, it is possible the lawyer had dinner with someone who looked like Paul Allen. Or perhaps Patrick killed the wrong person, or maybe it was all in his head and he drew what he wanted to do and didn't really kill any of them. I am so confused. Can anyone explain the movie to me? I can usually figure movies out this one however, left me baffled. On a side note, after watching Batman Begins, I was crushing on Christian Bale a bit, but after this movie, I am not so sure. OK, never mind he is still a cutie.

Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Read the book! It doesn't really explain, but I don't think it's meant to be fully understood..

My idea of it was that you can get away with anything if you have money. The apartment was being sold when he got back there, so you could assume the tenants just didn't want anyone to be put off by what happened there (she did give Pat the eye though!).

ShellBug526 said...

I will do it Heidi, but it may take me a few days.

srah said...

Try Newsies. He's awfully young but awfully cute.

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » » »