Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 2 of Kindergarten

Sophie was annoyed with me because I took her to school today. She wanted to ride the bus.  After a long discussion she finally agrees to letting me take her, but I was informed that this was the last day and that Tuesday she would be riding the bus.  UGH!  She was also annoyed that I didn't have anything to put in her lunch box.  She told me she liked eating lunch at school, I assumed she would want to buy her lunch today.  This morning as we were walking out the door, she informed me she wanted to pack today.  When I told her we never got a thermos or juice boxes she flipped out.  She, like her mama is not a morning person.  She definitely has a bad attitude.  Hopefully she gets better at school.  I am sure I will be getting a letter telling me to put her to bed earlier!  When I walked her to her classroom, she darted in the door without turning around to say goodbye or give me a hug... It hurt.  She had a playdate here yesterday.  It went surprisingly well.  No fights or issues except when it was time for her friend to go home, then the attitude started from both of them.

Jack and I went to the grocery store and picked up the essentials for packing a lunch.  I am sure because we did this on Tuesday she will not want to pack.  When we got home, I forgot to shut the laundry room door and Jackie of course went in and dumped the dogs food and water all over the floor.  When I escorted him out and cleaned up, I didn't notice the dogs bowls were missing.  After searching the house and still not finding them I went to get a tupperware out to feed and water the dog and I noticed the bowls in the sink.  I guess he felt like they needed to be washed.

I was looking forward to a nice long weekend when I got a call from work asking me to work Sunday morning.  Since we are poor I said yes, so now I have to get up at 6:30 AM on Sunday to go to work.  I have decided this depressing news warrants a night out, so I am heading out for some adult beverages this evening.  That will make me feel all better!