Sunday, January 30, 2005

The kids these days...

Today was a sad day for me. I realized that not only was I old, but that the pop stars today are messing with kids hearing. While in the car with my 10 year old niece today, Janis Joplin came on the radio. My niece gave us this weird look like hello, are you going to turn it? I said what you don't like Janis? Her reply was "Auntie Em, she doesn't even have a good singing voice". I took it personally. I was seriously hurt by these harsh words. Then, came the I'm old realization. For the second time in the last couple of months I repeated the words my dad once said to me. I said "you just wait, in 6 or 7 years, you will realize how wonderful this music is". I told her this not too long ago when "Misty Mountain Hop" was on the radio. I wonder if my dad took it this personally when I was the one saying "oh god turn this crap"....


deahsella said...

I rarely feel old. Sure, things like that are disturbing, but in a hilarious kind of way! :-)