Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Awkward family moment...

On Sunday Chris and I went to my parents for dinner. After dinner we decided to play cards. A typical Sunday. My Uncle Jim was also there and played cards with us. We are pretty rowdy when we play cards and sometimes yell and swear at each other. Chris plays really slow and my Uncle was giving him shit about it and three times within two minutes he called my husband Craig. Craig of course being my ex husband from 6 years ago. Chris took it like a champ, he laughed. I on the other hand was mortified, my face got bright red. If Chris's family/friends called me the wrong name even once, I seriously think the water works would start.


Leslie Welch said...

Oh no! Chris Craig two pesky letters really make a difference.

Anonymous said...

the mans been doing this for almost 3 years now... its really only a big deal to you. the rest of us just thinks its funny.

ShellBug526 said...

Chris, that is so not funny.

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info