Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Serenity NOW

I realize that I am probably overreacting, but I am still pissed. Friday, the CEO of our corporation is coming to our office. The supervisors and manager have been going ape shit making everything perfect. I mean they sent out an email today telling everyone not to move the furniture (2 chairs and a couch) in the hall. The chairs have to be turned just so. They also went around inspecting everyone's area to make sure it was clean enough and that there was nothing inappropriate. I was told that before I got there the manager and my super were standing by my area. The manger was pointing at different things on my wall. Later I got an email from the supervisor asking that I take anything political off the wall, as it may offend him! My political views are going to offend him??? He who is flying from 250 miles away is going to be OFFENDED by my couple anti Bush things!!!! What a freaking joke. I decided to take everything off of my desk. Since ya never know, he may be a pagan and not like the little guardian angel, or opposite, he may be a one of those people who thinks Halloween is evil, he may also think that the picture of Chris and I in sin city is bad and may be offended that one of his employees enjoyed a town that horrible. I know I am being juvenile, but it did make me feel a little better...


Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

your supervisor must likewise be disturbed over your desk displays for him to make such a fuss.

one more reason to hit the lottery ;)

ITS said...

that's one of my Seinfeld episodes....

SERENITY NOW... you have to scream it on top or your lungs...

jane said...

I agree 100% with what you did. And what I'd like to say, well, I can't say on your blog. Just clear the entire damn desk & let them explain to that pompous ass that yes, actually, you do work at an empty desk!

TheMommason said...

Two things I have in my office no one has ever comment on even when the big wigs come my Mission statement ~

Do What you feel in your heart to be right - for you will be criticized for it anyway~ Eleanor Roosevelt

and from it looks like a motivation poster but it is actually what is called a Demotivator
GOALS ~ It is best to avoid standing directly between a competitive jerk and his goals.