Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Traumatic Memory

My friend was telling me that her grandmother was cleaning out her attic and wanted her to come get all of her childhood stuff. When she went to pick the stuff up, she had 3 giant boxes of cabbage patch kids. This made me reminisce. I remember getting my cabbage patch kid. It was the year that people were beating people up to get them. My mom knocked people over at 6 AM to get mine. Her name was Sue Lorene. I loved Sue. I was 7. I took her to Knoebles Grove a local amusement park. I took her onto the little kid roller coaster with me. That is when things went bad. On one of the dips on the roller coaster Sue jumped overboard. She landed in the murky water that the boats are in. I was hysterical. When I got off of the roller coaster, I ran to the boats and told the guy that ran the ride what happened. He looked at me like I was nuts. I rode the boats thinking I would find her in the gross green polluted water. I didn't. Sue was gone forever. I was crying so hard we had to leave the park. I got a little misty eyed today when my friend told me about all of her CPK, so I thought I would share my memory with you. I miss poor little Sue.