Sunday, July 03, 2005


Why do we watch movies that are sad? I just watched The Notebook again. I would not call this movie a tear jerker, I would call it a lay on the floor and sob heart wrenching movie. I seriously had the lip quivering and was gasping for air (I am still sniffling). So again I say why do we do this to ourselves. Especially a second time. I mean why not turn it off at the end when you know you going to go into a hysterical crying fit? God I am such a girl.


Maggie Moo said...

I loved The Notebook too. I just love ridiculously romantic stories. I love to pretend that romance is still alive.

Unknown said...

When I watched this movie I fell asleep. I was seriously thinking of using it as one of my "boring" movies... you know, when I really really want to get freaky with some chick but I have to go on the first date. I figure I'll throw in the Notebook and we'll get so bored that we'll go upstairs and screw.