Saturday, November 19, 2005


It is finally time. I am getting ready to go see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. WooHoo. I feel like it has been an eternity that I have been waiting. We didn't couldn't go last night because Chris had to take his PRAXIS this morning. Hopefully he will have done fine and be in a good mood.

Next, please make sure to check out my new renter Scooter McGavin's 9th Green. Your one-stop place for music, TV, sports, politics and anything else. He is ranked #3 on Bloggers top 100! Plus he appreciates My Name is Earl, you can't go wrong!


ShellBug526 said...

The girl that talked shit about the music was one of the new people in New Mexico. It was Ryan's CD collection. Yes, the PRAXIS was at Lock Haven.

Nukapai said...

I can't wait to see the Potter film! Just don't post spoilers... oh wait, I read the book, never mind :p